Military Caregiver Financial Hotline: $SAVE FOR SOMETHING BIG$

Jul 26th, 2017 Caregiver, Military Caregiver Experiences, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 6 min read

CAREGIVERS: CALL THE MILITARY CAREGIVER FINANCIAL HOTLINE (888) 503-1168 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT SAVING FOR YOUR FUTURE TODAY! TELEPHONE LINES TO THE HOTLINE ARE OPEN 8 AM – 6 PM (EDT) Monday – Friday! Why save for something big? The needs for military caregivers are significant and unique. For example, I have a need for bathroom renovations in my home. Our bathroom needs to be ADA compliant for my…

Military Caregiver Financial Hotline: FREE Tips from EXPERTS $$

Jun 14th, 2017 Caregiver, Financial Precious Goodson, EdD 4 min read

Caregivers: You are welcome to call the Military Caregiver Hotline – (888) 503-1168. Lines are open and available 8 am to 6 pm, Mon-Fri, EDT. Is it important to have a budget? What are the benefits of having one? I struggled with creating a budget and saving for a rainy day for quite some time. There are many changes that occur – from military retirement to…

Military Caregiver$ Financial Hotline

May 16th, 2017 Caregiver, Financial Precious Goodson, EdD 4 min read

Do military caregivers need a financial hotline? What are the benefits of having one? Since becoming a caregiver, have you thought about retirement planning—and felt you needed advice about it? What about education goals? Or my favorite … advice about ways to best save for emergencies? Anyone who handles money at one time or another in their lives will have the need to learn more…

My experiences with yoga …

Mar 22nd, 2017 Caregiver, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 2 min read

My days, months, and years as a caregiver to my husband have included many challenges in discovering who I am. For instance, I need to include physical activity in my day in order to maintain health, overall wellness and well-being. What about the days when I need respite, recreation, or rest? My days of ignoring my need for mental relaxation have recently come to a screeching halt….

Respite for Caregivers

Jan 14th, 2017 Caregiver, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 1 min read

  I am thankful for the nonprofits that have offered me and many others who care for their loved ones numerous free resources on much needed opportunities for respite. Among these wonderful opportunities are retreats for caregivers of veterans or service members. I’ve had the privilege of attending a few of these and have found them to be deeply rejuvenating, inspiring, and restorative when I…

FREE Self-Care Resource in 2017!

Dec 31st, 2016 Caregiver, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 1 min read

At the close of 2016, I would like to provide an amazing resource that can be beneficial to military caregivers in 2017. Give An Hour is an organization that offers free counseling to those affected by war. Give An Hour provides easy access to skilled professionals for  veterans, service members, and their families.  New Year Resolution Military Caregivers — in 2017 let us commit to reach out…

Self Care Plan – Part 2

Aug 11th, 2016 Caregiver, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 5 min read

My most recent blog, about why I’m creating a self-care plan (part 1), explains research behind why all caregivers need a similar plan for themselves, as outlined in “Military Caregivers: America’s Hidden Heroes.” In developing my own self-care plan to relieve stress and anxiety, and in exploring way to do this in my demanding life, I’ve come up with the list below. Following are a few…


May 12th, 2016 Caregiver, Self Care Precious Goodson, EdD 1 min read

As a full-time caregiver to my husband, I have learned how important it is for me to make time to de-stress. I’ve certainly discovered that, if I’m not at my best, I can’t give my best to him. LET US KNOW HOW YOU DE-STRESS! My invitation to you, as readers of this blog, is to share ways that you de-stress best! I plan to post…

Meet Precious Goodson

Apr 16th, 2016 Caregiver, Military Caregiver Experiences Precious Goodson, EdD 6 min read

What seems like an eternity ago—2010—my husband was injured in Afghanistan. Life as we had known it changed in an instant… Overnight, my daily activities as a wife, graduate student, and teacher changed. I was suddenly thrust into the role of full-time caregiver for my husband. A wife and caregiver at the same time—whew! I was unprepared. I was confused, scared, overwhelmed. The road ahead…

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