Does a veteran’s disability rating automatically qualify him/her to be eligible for dental care? Is the veteran who served and has a DD214 eligible for dental care at the local VA? The Dental Blog writers mention that the VA eligibility for dental care at our local VA can be confusing and frustrating to navigate. This group of writers has put together a resource guide that provides a simplified version of the VA’s class-ranking for veteran eligibility for dental care.
Eligibility for a veteran to receive dental care is based on a class-ranking determined by the VA, which is helpful in determining what type of dental care the care recipient is eligible for. More information about dental coverage for family members can be found by visiting the Dental Care Blog. This is just a portion of valuable information that is shared in the article “Dental Care Resources for Veterans.” There may be other dental care resources – please feel free to add comments below of other organizations that may support our military caregivers and community.
Family members may also be eligible for dental coverage through Tricare Dental Program for Active Duty family members & National Guard and Reserve members and their families or Tricare Dental Program for Retirees & families (different rules for eligibility apply). Here are the categories of eligibility for veteran dental coverage that have been determined by the VA:
*Expressed permission to share this resource has been granted by authors of “Dental Care Resources for Veterans.” You may find the entire article at““Dental Care Resources for Veterans”.”
Class I – You are eligible for any needed dental care through this class if you have a condition or dental disability that is compensated through a connected service.
Class II – You are eligible for one-time dental care should your DD214 certificate of discharge has not indicated that a full dental examination and appropriate treatment was rendered before your discharge. However, you can apply for such care within 180 days of being released or discharged, if you were not dishonorably discharged, within a period of at least 90 active days or more during the era of the Persian Gulf War.
Class IIA – You are eligible for any needed dental care if you can provide and maintain a dentition that is fully maintained, such as a Dental Trauma Rating 10-564-D, or a letter, the VA Form 10-7131, from the VA Regional Office Rating Decision to identify the dental care that is needed. However, you must have a noncompensable dental condition or resulting disability from your time is service to do so.
Class IIB – You are eligible for a one-time course for care if it has been deemed medically necessary for the purpose of relieving pain, treating moderate, complicated, or severe periodontal or gingival conditions, or if it is to assist you in gaining employment. However, you must be an enrolled homeless or care-receiving veteran under VHA Directive 2007-039 for such.
Class IIC – You are eligible for any needed dental care if you are a prior prisoner of war.
Class III – You are eligible for any needed dental care to treat oral conditions determined to have a material or direct detrimental effect on your service through a connected medical condition by a VA dental professional.
Class IV – You are eligible for any needed dental care if you have disabilities that are rated 100% on the disabling scale that were acquired through service, or if you are unemployed strictly and unpaid because of said disability. However, veterans who are paid through extended hospitalization, pre-stabilization, or convalescence are not eligible for any comprehensive outpatient services for dental.
Class V – You are eligible for any needed dental care if you are engaged actively in a 38 USC Chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation program, but only if a VA dental professional does the following:
- Clears you of achieving the goals you have made and accomplished within your vocational rehabilitation program.
- Prevents any interruption through the course of your vocational rehabilitation program.
- Makes your entrance into a vocational rehabilitation program possible.
- Secures and adjusts employment during your employment assistance period, or assists you in enabling your achievements through maximum independence within daily life.
- Aids in hastening the return to a vocational rehabilitation program through a veteran being placed within a discontinued status because of an illness, dental condition, or injury.
- Aids in the return to a vocational rehabilitation program in the event of an interruption, or if a leave status comes up.
Class VI – You are eligible for any needed dental care to treat any oral condition that has been deemed to complicated your current medical condition or treatment by a VA dental professional, but only if you are scheduled for or are currently receiving inpatient care.
Also feel free to add your comments and positive experiences below. Hope this info is helpful!