On Friday May 25, neighbors installed white wooden crosses in the median of the main road through the neighborhood. Each cross has the name of a fallen soldier and is topped with an American flag. There are 28 crosses all together and they will remain in place throughout the holiday weekend. – J. Petrino, Resident. Newnan. Georgia

On today, my husband and I strolled through the streets of our community reading the words written on each cross. I felt overcome with emotion beholding this beautiful display. My husband was wearing an Army t-shirt decorated with pictures and words of his war experience in Afghanistan. At that moment I felt grateful and in awe of the support of community.

This part of the year is always difficult for him. The act of kindness and thoughtful displays of crosses to honor fallen soldiers is helping my husband to get through this time. One cross in this display honors my husband’s comrade who lost his life in battle. As we walked past the cross with his comrade’s name I nervously looked on. My husband stopped to read the words inscribed on it. He stroked Harry his dog and looked away… but then he began to point at crosses and mention something about them! He would say to me “that was a Lieutenant” or “that was a Sergeant Major.”

Memorial Day Display

Needless to say, the community’s presentation was very therapeutic for my husband. My heart goes out to my husband and all those who lost someone who fought for our country. On today, let’s remember those brave souls who gave their lives so that we can enjoy freedoms.

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