Work-From-Home Jobs

Feb 20th, 2017 Couples Precious Goodson, EdD 1 min read

Many work-from-home opportunities are surfacing. For some caregivers, work-from-home employment opportunities serve as the best option for contributing income to the home. In my blog post, Self Care Plan-Part 2, I give tips on best ways to practice remote work from a home office. If any of you wish to also add to these suggestions, feel free to add your comments to this post.  Some work-from-home opportunities…

Recreational Therapy: How Does it Help?

Jun 28th, 2016 Couples, Recreational Therapy & Retreats Precious Goodson, EdD 1 min read

Recreational therapy (RT) or Therapeutic Recreation, according to the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA), is a treatment service designed to restore and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life activities, and to promote health and wellness in an individual who has been diagnosed with an illness or disabling condition. Living Well Recreational Therapy explains improved quality of life determined by individuals who…

New Beginnings … Our Story

Apr 16th, 2016 Couples Precious Goodson, EdD 8 min read

It was 6:00 on a Saturday evening. The phone rang. My husband was on the other end. He excitedly said, “Honey I made sergeant!” Wow, I thought…such great news! He went on…”and my new unit is deploying to Afghanistan.” I felt my eyebrows rise on their own; I wondered what in the world did that mean?? After all, since our marriage in 2000, my husband…

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